65291 This folder inherits fields structure from its parent (%s).Do you wish to create independent fields structure for this folder and all its children?Press Yes to create independent fields structure for this folder and all its children.Press No to edit parent folder structure.
65292 Predefined field:
65293 All data stored in field '%s' will be lost.Are you sure to delete the field?
65294 Changing of field data type can lead to data loss.Are you sure to change field data type?
65295 Setup columns
65296 ╙╒"╫ ╫╙Θ
65297 Σ┘τß▄┘▌
65298 %d Γ▐╒╙
65299 .╫ß╒┘
65300 %s :╘╒╙Σß Γ▄ ┘╙┘
65301 .╤╒µΓ α┘τ┘╒▀ Θ▄ ▄╒╫ ╘█Ω┘╤╘
65302 .╨┘▀ ▐╙Σß╒Ω ▐╒Ωτα╒Ω
65303 .╨┘▀ Ω╤α┘╒Ω ╙╒"╫╒Ω
65304 Expired records
65305 ?╘╨▌ ╤Φµ╒α┌ ▄▐╫╒τ ╨Ω ╘Θ┘α╒┘┘▌ ╘α╤╫Φ┘▌
65306 < ╙▄╥ Γ▐╒╙╘ >
65307 Data was successfully saved into database '%s'.
65320 There is no built-in database user with Administrator privilege.If domain will be unavailable you will loose full access to the database.It is strongly recommended to create built-in database user with Administrator privilege.Continue?